Italian Ministry of University and Research

PRIN 2022

The Project in brief

The SHE WINS project

aims to provide new knowledge on the lack of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and related jobs, which can help find suitable and additional solutions for reducing gender inequality in STEM education and improving the Italian economy's long-term competitiveness. It has been funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and University (MUR), as a Projects of National Interest Research (PRIN, “Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale”).

Empirical evidence shows that women are disproportionately underrepresented among the students who enrol and graduate in STEM disciplines and among the employed in STEM occupations. This phenomenon may put significant barriers to Italy's actual and future competitiveness in technology and innovation. Furthermore, it may exacerbate gender inequality in Italian society because STEM jobs are typically higher-paying occupations.

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Project’s goals

Four relevant Specific Goals (SG) have been identified as actions to achieve the overall aim described above:

SG1: Defining measures and exploring the determinants of the gender gap in enrolment rates in STEM programs at BA and MA levels.

SG2: Defining measures and exploring the determinants of the gender gap in dropout rates in STEM programs, particularly at the BA level.

SG3: Defining measures and exploring the determinants of the gender gap in STEM student performances.

SG4: Analysing the gender gap in the labour market's main aspects (earnings, job satisfaction, skill mismatch, career prospects, time to get the first job).

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The data

The three datasets need to be linked to bridge the entire student career from school to job. Each of them is available in a format that ensures the student's anonymity. Therefore, they need to be linked using ad hoc record linkage methodology.

INVALSI data - INVALSI is an Italian research organisation operating under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Education. Among its objectives, it evaluates students' learning levels during and at the end of high school. The evaluation is based on official tests conducted annually on students at different school levels, according to criteria and methods consistent with those applied at the international level to ensure comparability. In addition, INVALSI carries out the surveys necessary to evaluate the added value achieved by schools; it collects information on the socio-economic and cultural status of the families to which students belong. At now, the INVALSI data from 2018 onwards are already linked to the ANS data. We plan to request data related to previous years to enrich the longitudinal data on student-graduate-worker STEM biographies.

ANS data The Italian National Student Registry database consists of all the information related to the careers of university students in Italy, available from the 2008 cohort of enrolled until today. Data covers socio-demographic and performance information on the students, followed by enrolment to graduation. Usually, this data is in aggregated form. However, the researchers participating in the SHE WINS project have exclusive access to student individual data because they are part of the research agreement "From high school to the job market: analysis of the university careers and the university North-South mobility" carried out by the University of Palermo (head of the research program), the Italian MUR, and INVALSI. The agreement also involves the Universities of Cagliari, Florence, Rome "Cattolica", Naples "Federico II", Sassari, Siena, and Turin.

AlmaLaurea data AlmaLaurea is an inter-university consortium that carries out several surveys every year on the student's university experience at graduation and their employment status after 1, 3 and 5 years from graduation. This information covers students' experience, their socio-demographic characteristics, and their employment situation, including, for example, aspects like job satisfaction, type of employment, skill mismatch, earnings, and career prospects.

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Project development

The Project involves two Universities: the University of Siena and the University of Palermo, Italy. The first one is the Research Unit (RU) of the Principal Investigator (PI), who will be responsible for the administrative management of the entire Project and coordination between the RUs. The coordination activity will consist of continuous exchange between the researchers involved in the Project, made easier thanks to the current online communication and collaboration platforms. The discussion and exchange of opinions will take place during the several meetings and seminars organised by the scientific community, not only of statisticians, to which the members of the RUs are used to participate. The Project also foresees a final meeting moment consisting of a closing Workshop/Conference, where the works and results produced by SHE WINS will be collected and presented to its primary beneficiaries, such as educational institutions, public institutions, students, households, and other stakeholders and policymakers. The primary interest of the SHE WINS project consists of two strong themes: the gender gap and STEM education. The work plan has been organised into four main Work Packages (WP). Each RU will work on the WP's topics with different efforts, sometimes as a Leading Unit, sometimes as a Research Unit. The Leading Unit is responsible for coordinating research on the topic among the Units and will carry most of the workload on that topic. Obviously, both RUs will synergistically contribute to all aspects outlined by the WPs. In such a way, the collaboration between both universities, and a broader point of view when implementing tasks, are assured.

PRIN Proposal Workplan and Work Packages

University of Siena

University of Palermo

Expected Results

Dealing with the specific topic of the intersectionality of gender and STEM at the HE level and its consequences on the labour market, the SHE WINS project expects to get the following results:

  • Identification of the driving factors of the gender gap at enrolment in BA and MA.
  • Identification of the driving factors of the gender gap in dropout.
  • Identification of the driving factors of the gender gap in performances.
  • Identification of "suffering" women job profiles for STEM graduates.
  • Identification of the driving factors of gender wage disparities in the STEM labour market.
  • A selection of key indicators in each SGs for implementing the web-based analytics platform.
  • Proposal of possible actions helpful to mitigate gender gaps.

The project will provide several databases/datasets, papers, and reports with social, economic, and scientific benefits. The primary beneficiaries will be educational institutions, public institutions, and policymakers as well as students, households, and other stakeholders.

The connection drawn between the high school, university and the job market data will provide insights into the shortfalls of the educational system, especially in those where the gender divide shows its more relevant effect. Most importantly, our Country could take advantage of having better information on the crucial frame of STEM-HE and job-related opportunities; in fact, such data-driven knowledge can be used to reduce the gender gap in this field with relevant and positive effects on the overall economic and social situation. University and national policymakers will be able to use a new geographical and historical "visualization" of the gender gap and inequalities in STEM.


University of Siena


piazza S.Francesco, 7 - 53100 Siena, Italy

University of Palermo


viale delle Scienze Edificio 13 - 90128 Palermo, Italy



AlmaLaurea is an inter-university consortium that carries out several surveys every year on the student's university experience at graduation and their employment status after 1, 3 and 5 years from graduation. More info.
National Student Registry. (Anagrafe Nazionale Studenti)
Bachelor of Arts
GANTT chart
It is a visual representation of a project schedule that shows the planned start and finish dates of various elements of the project. It provides a comprehensive and easy-to-understand view of the project timeline, tasks, milestones, and dependencies. The chart is named after its creator, Henry L. Gantt, an American engineer and management consultant.
Higher Education
High School.
Italian National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education and Training System (Istituto Nazionale per la VALutazione del Sistema educativo di Istruzione e di formazione). It is an Italian research organisation operating under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Education. Among its objectives, it evaluates students' learning levels during and at the end of high school. The evaluation is based on official tests conducted annually on students at different school levels, according to criteria and methods consistent with those applied at the international level to ensure comparability. In addition, INVALSI carries out the surveys necessary to evaluate the added value achieved by schools; it collects information on the socio-economic and cultural status of the families to which students belong. More info.
Italian National COVID Recovery Plan (PNRR, Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza)
It is a strategic document outlining Italy's plan for economic recovery and resilience, particularly in response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The PNRR is part of a broader European Union initiative called "NextGenerationEU," and it is aimed at leveraging EU funds to support member states in their recovery efforts. It outlines key reforms and investments in various areas, including digitalization, sustainability, healthcare, education, and infrastructure.
Master of Arts
Milestone (MS)
It is a significant point or event in the Project timeline that represents the completion of a major phase or the achievement of a specific deliverable. Milestones are key markers that help track progress, provide a sense of accomplishment, and allow project teams and stakeholders to assess whether the project is on track.
Italian Ministry of University and Research. More info.
National Plan for Scientific University Degrees (PLS)
It is a project by the MUR to counter the dramatic decline in vocations in the scientific field recorded in the 1990s in Italy. The PLS involves basic sciences (Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics), Materials Science, and Statistics. The principal priorities are student guidance activities and in-service training for teachers. More info.
National Student Registry (ANS, Anagrafe Nazionale Studenti)
It consists of all the information related to the careers of university students in Italy, available from the 2008 cohort of enrolled until today. More info.
Next Generation EU
It is a European Union (EU) initiative aimed at addressing the economic and social challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a temporary and extraordinary recovery instrument designed to support member states in their efforts to recover from the impact of the pandemic and build a more resilient and sustainable future. More info.
Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)
A hierarchical system for dividing up the economic territory of the EU and the UK for the purpose of the collection, development and harmonisation of European regional statistics, socio-economic analyses of the regions, and framing of EU regional policies. More info.
Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics.
Principal Investigator.
National Plan for Scientific University Degrees (Progetto Lauree Scientifiche)
National Recovery and Resilience Plan.(Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza)
Project of National Interest Research (PRogetto di Interesse Nazionale).
Principal Investigator
It is the national referee of the Project.
Projects of National Interest Research (PRIN, Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale)
It is a MUR funding program in Italy that provides financial support for research projects that are deemed to be of national interest and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in specific fields.
Research Unit (RU)
A group of researchers belonging to the same structure, typically a university.
Research Unit.
Sustainable Development Goals.
Secondary School.
Specific Goal of the Project.
Stem in Higher Education & Women INequalitieS project.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG2030, Agenda 2030)
They are a set of 17 objectives that were agreed upon by all United Nations Member States in 2015, forming part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals outline a collective plan for promoting peace and prosperity for both people and the planet, both now and in the future. They represent a shared commitment for all countries, whether developed or developing, to collaborate globally. The objectives acknowledge the interconnectedness of ending poverty and addressing other challenges, such as improving health and education, reducing inequality, fostering economic growth, combating climate change, and safeguarding our oceans and forests. SDG5 is about Gender Equality. More info.
Work Package (WP)
A Project topic embracing specific objectives of the Project.
Work Package.

WP1 – Data Management

  • MS1.1) Deterministic linkage of INVALSI and ANS microdata for longitudinal analyses
  • MS1.2) Probabilistic linkage of ANS and AlmaLaurea microdata for longitudinal analyses
  • MS1.3) Integration of INVALSI, ANS and Almalaurea microdata for achieving longitudinal student/graduate/worker biographies (only if INVALSI microdata will be available at least for the 2015 cohort)

WP2 - STEM Gender Gap in Education

  • MS2.1) Descriptive analysis of the STEM-HE gender gap in a longitudinal perspective
  • MS2.2) Estimation of statistical models for studying the determinants of the STEM-HE using a multidimensional and longitudinal perspective
  • MS2.3) Definition of different types of indicators for measuring the intersectionality between gender and STEM in HE

WP3 – STEM Gender Gap in Employment

  • MS3.1) Descriptive analysis of STEM-labour market gender gap in a longitudinal perspective
  • MS3.2) Estimation of statistical models for studying determinants of the gender gap in STEM labour market outcomes
  • MS3.3) Definition of different types of indicators for measuring the intersectionality between gender and STEM in the labour market

WP4 - Web-based dashboard and research dissemination

  • MS4.1) Creation of the website for SHE WINS Project
  • MS4.2) Result dissemination
  • MS4.3) Design of the Dashboard prototype on the STEM gender gap
  • MS4.4) Implementation of the Dashboard prototype on the STEM gender gap